Musculoskeletal - Associated with muscles, bones and associated structures
Variant Detected:
chr12:33710168-33710178 (canFam3): 3209 bp insertion with duplication (AAGTCAGACAGAG); chr18:20443725-20443726 (canFam3): ~5 kb insertion; chr18:48415661 (canFam3): G/A
Low-Moderate. This disease can cause some discomfort and/or dysfunction in the affected
animal. It does not generally affect life expectancy.
Mode of Inheritance:
Autosomal Dominant with Incomplete Penetrance
Research Citation(s):
Bannasch D, Batcher K, Leuthard F, Bannasch M, Hug P, Marcellin-Little DJ, Dickinson PJ, Drögemüller M, Drögemüller C, Leeb T. The Effects of FGF4 Retrogenes on Canine Morphology. Genes (Basel). 2022 Feb 10;13(2):325. [PubMed: 35205370]
Batcher K, Dickinson P, Giuffrida M, Sturges B, Vernau K, Knipe M, Rasouliha SH, Drogemuller C, Leeb T, Maciejczyk K, Jenkins CA, Mellersh C, Bannasch D. Phenotypic Effects of FGF4 Retrogenes on Intervertebral Disc Disease in Dogs. Genes (Basel). 2019 Jun 7;10(6). pii: E435. doi: 10.3390/genes10060435. [PubMed: 31181696]
Bellamy KKL, Lingaas F. Short and sweet: foreleg abnormalities in Havanese and the role of the FGF4 retrogene. Canine Med Genet. 2020 Dec 7;7(1):19. doi: 10.1186/s40575-020-00097-5. [PubMed: 33372642]
Brown EA, Dickinson PJ, Mansour T, Sturges BK, Aguilar M, Young AE, Korff C, Lind J, Ettinger CL, Varon S, Pollard R, Brown CT, Raudsepp T, Bannasch DL. FGF4 retrogene on CFA12 is responsible for chondrodystrophy and intervertebral disc disease in dogs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Oct 24;114(43):11476-11481. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1709082114. [PubMed: 29073074]
Dickinson PJ, Bannasch DL. Current Understanding of the Genetics of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration. Front Vet Sci. 2020 Jul 24;7:431. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00431. eCollection 2020. [PubMed: 32793650]
Fenn J, Olby NJ, and Canine Spinal Cord Injury Consortium (CANSORT-SCI). Classification of Intervertebral Disc Disease. Front Vet Sci. 2020 Oct 6;7:579025. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.579025. eCollection 2020. [PubMed: 33134360]
Parker HG, VonHoldt BM, Quignon P, Margulies EH, Shao S, Mosher DS, Spady TC, Elkahloun A, Cargill M, Jones PG, Maslen CL, Acland GM, Sutter NB, Kuroki K, Bustamante CD, Wayne RK, Ostrander EA. An expressed fgf4 retrogene is associated with breed-defining chondrodysplasia in domestic dogs. Science. 2009 Aug 21;325(5943):995-8. [PubMed: 19608863]
Associated Breed(s):
American Cocker Spaniel,
Australian Cobberdog,
Australian Labradoodle ,
Basset Hound,
Bichon Frise,
Cardigan Welsh Corgi,
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,
Chesapeake Bay Retriever ,
Chinese Crested,
Coton De Tulear,
Dandie Dinmont Terrier,
English Springer Spaniel,
French Bulldog,
Harlequin Pinscher,
Havanese Terrier Toy,
Jack Russell Terrier,
Labradoodle ,
Labradoodle Retrodoodle ,
Miniature American Shepherd,
Miniature Australian Bulldog,
Miniature Australian Shepherd,
Miniature Fox Terrier,
Miniature Pinscher ,
Miniature Poodle,
Mixed Breed,
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever ,
Pembroke Welsh Corgi,
Portuguese Water Dog,
Scottish Terrier ,
Shih tzu,
Toy Poodle,